
Unlimint SDK

Unlimint mobile SDK helps you to implement payments in your application. Release 1.8 version supports following methods:

Unlimint SDK has two parts: SDK UI and SDK Core. SDK UI already contains SDK Core. The former has user interface, root detection and simplified API. It securely collects and transmits user card data. The latter has only payment methods. We strongly recommend to use SDK UI if you don’t have PCI DSS certificate.



:exclamation: Important:
To gain access to nexus repository please contact the Unlimint manager

SDK-UI (contains SDK-CORE inside)

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
dependencies {
    implementation "com.unlimint.sdk:mobile-sdk-ui:1.8.6"


    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
    dependencies {
        implementation "com.unlimint.sdk:mobile-sdk-core:1.8.6"


Follow links below to get more information about methods

Bank card binding: MobileSdk.bindNewCardForResult(…)
Payment: MobileSdk.paymentForResult(…)
Recurring: MobileSdk.recurringForResult(…)

Service interactions described here
Mobile service API described here
Also one can apply UI custom colors and text, see customization page

Contribution Guide

A guide to submit issues, to ask general questions, or to open pull requests.